Boas pessoal, então a minha tatoo já cá mora!
Após 3h30m...
Ah! A que referir que foi feita sob forte anestesia...
lol, ainda não está 100% acabada, faltam uns pequenos pormenores... mas que esta muito fixe está!!!
Após 3h30m...
The Celtic Cross
"An icon of Celtic Art is one of the earliest
symbols to combine the pagan and Christian traditions in one object.
Based on early Sun worship, the circle is the sun, and early respect for
the Four Directions, the combination of
the two makes for a powerful early Christian symbol for Christ's cross.
The Druids of early Irish religion and art saw the circle as the
eternal, unchanging way of unity, the universal way; and the crossroads
as the path on earth that each individual man walks. The one, leads to
the other and they intermix not only in pagan art and religion, but in
Christianity as well. The cross also symbolized the times of the Celtic
Year and its four great festivals, Beltaine, Lugnasadh, Samhain, Imbolc.
The Celtic Cross is made up of unending knots, the Celtic Knots that
are known worldwide, as symbols of infinity, eternity."
Ah! A que referir que foi feita sob forte anestesia...
lol, ainda não está 100% acabada, faltam uns pequenos pormenores... mas que esta muito fixe está!!!